

And I do feel older, actually, I feel like I'm really old.

Could stay 17 forever?

Now that I'm a grown-up, I should behave like that. However, it's not easy for me, cuz I'm too independent sometimes...

Since I decided not to write down my B-Day wishes here, I wanna make another list for things that I also yearn for instead: world peace (I'm serious), being safe and sound (no more headache n stomachache plz), nice weather (cool n breezy), all pass (must), going to TBS n TAI's gigs (either in Taiwan or US), perfect facial skin (not oily & no acne), happy family (can't live without 'em), normal PC (keeps working regularly), an ideal man (when will I meet him?), trips to Europe and US (of course not by myself), good sleep (fall asleep right away), a bright future (aww), friendly roomies (if u know...), slim body (especially my legs) and so on.

Moody and I've begun to feel sick of her, although the new semester just started. I regard "mutuality" as a pretty important thing. I may be willing to do sth. for u, but I want u to do the same for me. Guess it has sth. to do w/ my birth sign.

Thanx to my brother, I'm not that angry now, cuz we had a chat on the phone just then.

Besides, another typhoon's comin, fuck it.

Anyway, today is my 21st B-Day.

(08:31 p.m.)

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