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<--Haven't got this...

(11:13 p.m.)


GANT: Jacques Naude

He reminds me of Tyson Ritter, but I know their personalities are different.

(11:16 p.m.)


Jenson & Jessica...

Nay. Even tho I'm not a big fan of Mr. Button, yet I'm not against the girl, the "hookup" is still hard for me to nod or smile. Anyways...

(6:41 p.m.)


Mind speaking

I'm 22 already, but there're still many things I haven't done yet.

She's got no friend, but she has a man.

Act like a child; think like an adult.

(9:14 p.m.)


Owl City

I checked all the songs on his web site a couple of days ago, even though they didn't "hook" me, I still think the artist is talented, especially with that name. It just sounds cool and imaginative!

(9:17 p.m.)