
Congrats to France!

For the men's handball team (I know it's late). Anyway, I watched the last two of their matches, and they're quite interesting n funny. It looked very similar to football, but I still don't understand most of the rules, especially the replacement. Gotta figure it out asap.

Honestly, if there weren't those good-looking players, I wouldn't watch it. And I hardly paid any attention to Olympics this time, for some personal reasons. But when I saw Français handball players, I decided to watch the match. And they didn't lemme down. Besides, I kept laughing while watching the 2 matches.

Ok, let's talk 'bout the players. To my surprise, they not only have faces but talents!! And the GK (Omeyer) was fab! He saved lots of balls, even a couple of penalties, which was incredible. In addition to Omeyer, B. Gille n Karabatic also did good jobs. The latter one often reminded me of Josh Hartnett... Of course, the whole team as well as the coach are great! Since I supported 'em so much, I shouted for joy when they won the championship. They really deserved the honor.

Now I look forward to the next Olympics in London.

(04:19 p.m.)

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