"Was" given a talk last evening/night, was able to hold the tears.
Started to look for an accommodation just in case.
My personality and habits.
(9:09 p.m.)
i dont like rain
i dont like cats
i dont like mezzanine
i hate NOISES
"Spero che, mi auguro di cuore che, ci incontreremo ancora.." Completamente - Thegiornalisti
(1:44 a.m.)
i dont like cats
i dont like mezzanine
i hate NOISES
"Spero che, mi auguro di cuore che, ci incontreremo ancora.." Completamente - Thegiornalisti
(1:44 a.m.)
Nylon September
Last night, at a Virgo’s birthday party, I witnessed each guest at the dinner table take their turn toasting a dear friend. And, while the origin stories of each friendship differed, the virtues espoused remained very much the same. Dependable, loving, the one to call and the one who shows up—Virgo, if ever you doubted the ability of others to witness your good deeds, doubt no more. In every city and possible realm, a table full of people who appreciate you fills slowly with laughter and good food. And, if you’re lucky, a cutie you adore above all others has decorated the cake in a way she knows will please you.
Last night, at a Virgo’s birthday party, I witnessed each guest at the dinner table take their turn toasting a dear friend. And, while the origin stories of each friendship differed, the virtues espoused remained very much the same. Dependable, loving, the one to call and the one who shows up—Virgo, if ever you doubted the ability of others to witness your good deeds, doubt no more. In every city and possible realm, a table full of people who appreciate you fills slowly with laughter and good food. And, if you’re lucky, a cutie you adore above all others has decorated the cake in a way she knows will please you.
I want to give you the image first because I know that, despite your congenial manner, when the world gets you down, it gets you down to the ground. September will be an intense month for Virgos with five cosmic bodies crammed into your house like incorrigible houseguests. While the Sun shines on you this month, your cosmic dinner party will include your ruling planet, Mercury, stationing direct in your house (but still in shadow period, post-retrograde), so watch what you say or you might give away more than you’re ready to! Mars busts in on September 5 adding fuel to Mercury’s misgivings. Thankfully, Venus makes a late entrance on the 19th, a reconciling and softening energy. The new moon makes her way to you on the 20th, and she wants to know what you intend to do in service to your future self, to say nothing of the fact that the asteroid Vesta has been with you since July, imploring you to focus on your purpose above all else—even when it feels like all you can focus on is your relationship life. It’s a lot, Virgo, and it’s okay to take short breaks on the floor—especially if there’s cake down there.
No matter how light and unburdened some people appear, there’s no one who sits down at the table who doesn’t have their baggage waiting in the hall. All humans who have endeavored to build a life on this planet, to love someone or something, have self-narratives and complexes to unpack. And, chances are good that while you’re a charming visitor, Libra, you get complicated the longer you stay. You know this about yourself, and although you let your grief and your disappointment slip out of their cases from time to time, rare is the person who gets the chance to see what you carry with you and how much it weighs you down.
Oh yes, you know how to talk a good game, how to lay your troubles out on the table in such a way that they’re strange yet palatable. But, for whom is your kitchen open with free reign, and when have you ever trusted someone to take the bags out of the hall for you and place their contents softly in a room that gives you shelter? I ask you these things not because I want you to remember everything you’ve lost and certainly not because I think you’re better off alone; rather, I’m asking you to look at the people you’ve let in and the people you’ve let go with a forgiving eye. They carried their own secret parcels, they served you meals mysterious even to them, they came to you with a heart that needed shelter. And you gave them shelter.
(4:49 a.m.)
bad manners
latest experience: polish/italian/spanish/dutch
so you're busy or simply selfish?
i never knocked the door in the first place
(3:19 a.m.)
so you're busy or simply selfish?
i never knocked the door in the first place
(3:19 a.m.)
tre mesi
Argentine can play football
(3:26 a.m.)
(3:26 a.m.)
song and trips
Ligabue - Ho fatto in tempo ad avere un futuro (che non fosse soltanto per me)
Solo Noi
Tiziano Ferro - Il Conforto ft. Carmen Consoli
James Arthur - Say You Won't Let Go
Gavin DeFraw - Make a move
MAGIC! - Rude
Rudimental Feat Ed Sheeran Lay It All On Me
(00:57 a.m.)
Ligabue - Ho fatto in tempo ad avere un futuro (che non fosse soltanto per me)
Solo Noi
Tiziano Ferro - Il Conforto ft. Carmen Consoli
James Arthur - Say You Won't Let Go
Gavin DeFraw - Make a move
MAGIC! - Rude
Rudimental Feat Ed Sheeran Lay It All On Me
(00:57 a.m.)
will i lose it by saying it out?
not sure if it's Mercury, 3 invoices, the match time, no rain on my way home this evening.
v grateful
(3:08 a.m.)
not sure if it's Mercury, 3 invoices, the match time, no rain on my way home this evening.
v grateful
(3:08 a.m.)
i dislike: "as you wish"
occur to me from time to time (just did finally): "u r free to go"
(3:37 a.m.)
occur to me from time to time (just did finally): "u r free to go"
(3:37 a.m.)
"ISFJ: Forgive yourself for the things you didn’t say until it was too late.
There were times, ISFJ, when you ought to have spoke up but instead you stayed silent. There were relationships that fell apart because you could not voice the way you truly felt. And it’s time you stopped beating yourself up over all of it. None of us get the timing perfectly right, and you have learned the value of speaking up while it still matters. You withheld what you withheld because you wanted to keep the peace. Your intent was not malicious and so it’s time you forgave yourself for the outcome – going forward, you know you’ll do things differently."
(10:32 p.m.)
There were times, ISFJ, when you ought to have spoke up but instead you stayed silent. There were relationships that fell apart because you could not voice the way you truly felt. And it’s time you stopped beating yourself up over all of it. None of us get the timing perfectly right, and you have learned the value of speaking up while it still matters. You withheld what you withheld because you wanted to keep the peace. Your intent was not malicious and so it’s time you forgave yourself for the outcome – going forward, you know you’ll do things differently."

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