Will I get one?

(06:16 p.m.)
I read fashion mags, and the editorials are always my fave part. Since I'm a big fan of many models, I tend to check those cast lists. And that's one of the reasons why Taiwan's mags often disappoint me: mispellings. I've found 'em in Vogue and Harper's Bazaar here, more than once. Besides, it seems that they can even make mistakes on campaigns. A recent example, they typed Stephanie "Symour" on Dior Capture. And I couldn't contact 'em. Is Outlook the only way I can use?On the contrary...Uh, je n'aime pas le japon, surtout les femmes. Cuz they have what I want, mostly. Umm, jealousy.However, they're confident and (generally) creative. And they make sure everything's alright. Thus, I hardly ever find any mistake in things they made.To sum up, I like my country, but we must work much harder to make it better.(05:56 p.m.)
The more Nick's pix I see, the stronger this feeling grows.When his hair's short, it always makes him look innocent n just like an angel. And that's what I prefer, however, I wouldn't say he isn't hot anymore w/ longer hair.Everytime I see his pix, I just can't help marvelling at his super gorgeous look, and then I'd wonder how on earth a man can be so perfect. U know, some ppl out there even call him "God", either for his guitar skills or appearance. Even tho I still think Kurt's the top one, after all, he's long gone...As we all know, Nick's already married n have 2 lovely kids. But honestly, I've never been fond of his wife, no matter how "cool" she is. To me, she seems to be a witch, who uses the charm to seduce hot musicians. Or maybe the situation's totally different from what I thoguht, but that'd be kinda hard to imagine. And I'm not being jealuous of all the wives of rock bands, cuz I'm totally ok w/ Gwyneth n Chris.Soooo, that's the reason why I make a plea here (guess I've made my points). Of course I want Nick to be happy, but staying w/ other band members only would be a way better choice. Ummm.(01:07 a.m.)
Can't believe I just gave in n signed up to Facebook, awwwwww. It's all for one person. There's no choice. And I feel terrible n angry. Haven't figure out the rules, but I may probably quit (if possible) once the person turned down or ignored my request.Oh, I was kinda delighted before that thing happened, cuz I found a male model's blog accidentally. He's Bill Gentle, one of those I still luv. The first time I saw his pic was many yrs ago, and it's a Banana Republic (?) ad/campaign. He's bearded, just as now. And I think he didn't even change a bit during this period. On the other hand, it seems that I remain ignorant, no matter how hard I've tried to make that up. So, I didn't know he's w/ Fanny Bostrom, maybe it's been a long time. Gosh. To be honest, I believe he could've find a EVEN better woman out there. However, they looked happy together, and they're both artists now. No matter what, it's absolutely great to see him "return". Told u I prefer mature men, especially bearded ones.How do I avoid typing "I" repeatedly?Talking 'bout artists, well, that's what I was going to entitle at first. Mr. Gentle's stuff led to another awesome website, which features lots of artists. And that's where n when I got crazy for the person once again. Let's call the person A.N. from now on. A.N. appeared on thecobrasnake.com sometimes, and I always reckon A.N. is English. Anyway, this good-looking person turned out to be an artist. And I should've guessed that. Uh, the point here is, I learn that these party hipsters are actually talented. Besides, I'm sort of disenchanted now. Btw, since I don't feel like sharing, there're only clues of the website rather than the whole name or url.(5:00 a.m.)
While others rushed outside to see fireworks n screamed out of joy, I sat tight in front of my PC n cared much more 'bout chocolate bars.In fact, I become less interested in everything. Those I used to luv (models, party kids, bands etc.) now don't mean much to me. However, I seem to attain happiness thru shopping online, and I've bought 2 bags n a pair of sneakers already...Haven't come up w/ any new yr's resolution yet. Losing appetite maybe.Lousy network! Will I be able to watch In the Realm of the Basses today?Some ppl never reflected.(10:43 p.m.)